Episode 97 - The Eastwood Stormbird

Strap yourselves in, and don’t touch John - he’s got the funk, and it’s not on the ‘one’. This week we’re looking at Eastwood Guitars. Doubtless many of us have seen and played them over the years, but do you know the story behind them? Make your self comfy, and remember - don’t touch John…


Podcasting is thirsty work; it’s crucial that everyone involved stay hydrated. The following fine beverage contributed to the success of this episode: John caught some kind of illness, and Ed did what any good friend would do: he made him drink 24oz. of Mega Monster Energy drink. It didn't prevent the inevitable slide into flu oblivion, but it did delay it. However, Ed refused to even touch this week's guitar, so John had to play AND sing. This week’s beverage intro song clip, performed live in-studio, is Death of a Disco Dancer by The Smiths. #JohnLives

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Would you like to know more about the pedals we played in this episode?

Crazy Tube Circuits Splash
MXR Carbon Copy Mini

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